Ürünler Sepete Eklendi

Nipora Gökkuşağı Rengi Doğal Damla Kehribar Bebek Bileklik

799,92 TL
474,90 TL
Stok Kodu : 104000629
Stok Adeti : 73

400₺ üzeri Ücretsiz Kargo

Hızlı Kargo Gönderimi

Güvenilir Alışveriş

Nipora Gökkuşağı Rengi Doğal Damla Kehribar Bebek Bileklik
Üretildiği Maden: Damla Kehribar
Ağırlık: 3,24 ± %5 gr.
Uzunluk: 13 cm.

Ürün Kutusu

Ürününüz koruyucu kutu ile gönderilmektedir. Özel hediye kutusu seçenekleri için menüdeki 'Hediye Kutusu' kategorimizi inceleyebilirsiniz.

Nipora Rainbow Color Natural Drop Amber Baby Bracelet

Made of Mine: Drop Amber

Weight: 3.24 ± 5% gr.

Length: 13 cm.

Natural Stone Description

It is a recommended product for babies to start using while teething, that is, during the period of drooling (around 4 -5 months)! Since immunity is also partially reduced during the teething period; The immune-boosting feature of amber also comes into play. Thus, your baby will be protected against possible infections. The most important feature of amber is that it eliminates 'pains'. The tooth puts pressure on your baby's gums to come out, which causes pain. By taking this pain, amber both relieves your baby's gums (most of the time, you have seen the teeth without even applying gel) and also relieves the earache. So your baby won't be around all the time.

Stok Kodu 104000629
Barkod NPR-104000629-TSBHN
EAN NPR-104000629-TSBHN
KDV %20
Kategoriler BEBEK TAKI>Kehribar Bileklik
Etiketler Nipora Gökkuşağı Rengi Doğal Damla Kehribar Bebek Bileklik
Kullanım Durumu Yeni

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